“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time.

But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

- Lilla Watson

In getting to do my work I commit to doing everything I can to dismantle the systems of oppression that hold us down.

I believe that Black lives matter, that trans rights are human rights, and that the sovereignty of indigenous people needs to be uplifted, respected, and acknowledged through the giving back of land.

These values will always be reflected in my work, and I will always be available for learning more, expanding my understanding, and being called in where I may be falling short.

I acknowledge my inherent privilege in getting to do the work I do and ask the questions I get to ask. For so many people, especially Black and brown and lower-income people, the question of work has absolutely nothing to do with personal fulfillment. I am extremely lucky and privileged to be able to explore these questions; it is my wish and goal that through this work I create, sustain, and uplift paths towards self-care and liberation for all who experience any form of oppression.

Here is a list of resources I have found helpful in my journey of learning. Some are places to donate- to which I regularly donate in addition to direct donations to individuals within my community- and some are articles that I have found helpful. These links are regularly updated.

Thanks for reading,


Places To Donate


National Bail Out

is a Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers and activists joined together to bring an end to mass incarceration.

The Trevor Project

is a support network for LGBTQ youth experiencing crisis.

Navajo Water Project

is a community-led organization bringing hot and cold running water to homes without access.


Black & Brown Founders

supports Black and Latinx entrepreneurs in getting their businesses off the ground.


is a Portland, OR based workers rights project.


Places To Learn


On decentering yourself in your allyship work

Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people, by Ijeoma Oluo

On creating an anti-racist business

The Journey to Become an Anti-Racist Business, from B The Change Weekly

About the Land Back movement

visit LandBack.org


On challenging capitalism

5 Ways To Go From A Scarcity To Abundance Mindset, by Caroline Castrillon

General allyship guidance

Want To Be A Good Ally? Here Are Some Things To Ask Yourself, by Victoria Gasparowicz