I write about love, family, relationships, and sex. I write in order to understand.

Camila Coddou Camila Coddou

The Pivot

The Pivot is all about changing your mind, shifting your perspective, and challenging yourself to inspect your narratives. The way we view something is intrinsic to how we interact with it, and sometimes all it takes for a big change to happen is looking at a situation from a different angle.

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Camila Coddou Camila Coddou

The Catalyst

The Catalyst is the first offering in a new group of coaching packages.

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Camila Coddou Camila Coddou

The Dichotomy of Self-care

The dichotomy of self-care is the practice of only engaging in care for the parts of ourselves that we think of as desirable, while not giving light to the parts of us that are hard for us to hold.

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Camila Coddou Camila Coddou

We Will Perish

I need you to know that every time I touch pen to paper, light up the screen of my computer with a blank document page, you come to mind. It is always you, and it is never you.

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Camila Coddou Camila Coddou

I love it when people say my name

When I was 6 years old, I wished my name was easier like Stephanie, Sarah or Jennifer. I say my name for you, and you turn around and call me Camille.

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Camila Coddou Camila Coddou


My father started chemotherapy to treat a tumor growing in his neck. This is what happened when he stayed with me for part of the summer.

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