The Catalyst

The Catalyst is the first offering in a new group of coaching packages. 

The Catalyst is all about taking a week to get something DONE. It could be a quickly approaching deadline, a goal you’d like to reach, or a bigger project that you need some help getting kick started. 

In my coaching practice I provide support for people doing all kinds of work. I hold space for people looking to inspect their process through the Pause Project Workshop. I work with people for longer-term goals through as-needed coaching sessions. And, I also help people get things crossed off their to do list by providing accountability support. 

For this type of support, I conceptualized a quick and easy accountability coaching package- The Catalyst. For The Catalyst we start with a one hour coaching session at the start of a 7-day period of time. During the one hour coaching session we get clear on the scope of the project or goal you’re working on, we create a plan for how you might get it done over the next week, and we take some time to work through any roadblocks that are coming up for you. Then, once you’ve started on your work, you get four more 15- minute check-ins throughout the week. These check-ins are all about support and accountability; a checking-in on how it's going and what you’re needing. During the last of the four check-ins we’ll take some time to go over your progress and wrap up. 

One huge guiding principle to all my coaching work is the core belief that you already have what you need within you. You are your own best teacher and guide, but all of us, from time to time, can benefit from a place to reflect and a supportive space to talk through what is coming up for us. I bring this understanding to all my coaching sessions; I am there to listen, support and reflect, not teach or tell you how to do something. And the same is true for the space of The Catalyst. 

We are capable creatures who can get things done. And, we are also capable of asking for and receiving help in getting things done and achieving our goals. Using the space of coaching for partnering in accountability can be powerful; having someone cheering you on and helping you along the way can be joyful. 

So let’s work together in helping you mark that thing off your to do list in one week’s time. You can purchase one week of

The Catalyst right here. 


The Pivot


The Dichotomy of Self-care